Monday, September 10, 2018

This week in Learning:

Math: Daily homework will be put on the Blog after school if there is homework from the book. This way, students do not have to treck home the textbooks. This week we look at multiples and factors.

FLA: We continue our Comic book study. Students should complete the summary of their story by this Friday to be handed in. the rest of the week, we will be doing a skit based on their Comic book story.

ELA: Our first writing assignment is to come up with a parental rule and make up the truth behind that rule. For eg: Parents tell us to eat our vegetables because they are good for us, but the Truth is...Otherwise vegetables will take over the world and eat us!

Social Studies: Values and rules...why do we need them. Students will be given a date to do a short current events presentation in class. Current events should focus on Canadian government: Local, provincial or federal. Students need to address the following: Who (is involved)
                  When  it took place
                  Where it took place
                  What happened 
                  Why and how 
(An example of this would be:  today Local council discussed and debated to have the speed limit in neighbourhoods reduced to 30km/hr instead of 50 km because too many people are being injured on the streets, especially near schools).

Science: Shoe imprints and fingerprints.

Art: license plate names

Religion: Prayers for the intercom to follow the "Our Father": praise God, Ask God for help for someone,  ask for forgiveness, Ask for guidance.

Thank you to everyone for sending in the forms so quickly. Tonight, pizza forms and BarBQ invitations are being sent home. 

I will be sending out an email just to test and make sure that I have everyone's correct email address. Just a quick note saying "Got it" will suffice.

Coming up: Interviews and BarBQ. I look forward to meeting you all.