Tuesday, March 20, 2018

This week in Learning...or is there any?

Welcome to la semaine de Francopholie where we will be immersing ourselves even more in French. Games, songs and activities all in French.

FLA: finishing the movie "Belle et Sebastien" and we will have some activities to go with. We are also working on the homophone "peu, peux, peut,
peut être et peut-être".

ELA: Continuing to read Shadows of Disaster". I have also asked for volunteers to write a letter to a grade 6 student in Kelvington Sask., who wrote to us. We participated last year in the Great Canadian Mail race, but this year I don't have room in my curriculum for it. I will send the letters at the end of this week. (FUN FACT:  Kelvington is a small town where Wendel Clarke was born and is 10 minutes away from the tiny town where my mom was born!)

MATH: Continuing on fractions and comparing them but moving on to ratios next.

SOCIAL: Finishing up with Municipal government. Iroquois tests should be signed and returned. Thanks

RELIGION: we will be looking at the stations of the cross and who we can pray for when we go and make the stations at church.

MUSIC: Students have been assigned a new project (musical instrument) that we will work on at the same time as the lip sync as a class. I have chosen a song, but students were told that if they can come up with one, to email it to me before the end of this week.

A HUGE thank you to the parents who are involved in the BAKE SALE, from organizing to baking to sending their kids to work.  Many hands make light work.
All Parish Lenten Bake Sale

For Parent- Teacher conferences, if you plan on coming, please bring your child with you as it is imperative that we are all on the same page and everyone hears the same information. Thanks for your cooperation.

Image result for parent teacher interviews