Monday, February 26, 2018

International Food week
A reminder that students who have signed up can eat in my classroom if they bring the food of the day. Should be fun!
Permission forms are due this March 1st for going to Madeleine d'Houet and to the Olympic Oval. I have enough parents for MdH and for March 5th. I only have one parent for March 7th. Please see if you able to help.
On that same note, I only have one parent for the Iroquois In-school field trip for March 6th. If I do not receive 2 more for the 6th and 3 for the 9th I will need to cancel this very educational presentation. 

This week in Learning:

FLA: We will begin memorizing a poem for our Gala Oratoire and Francophone day in March. We will also be writing opinion letters, which are a bit different than a personal letter.

ELA: Presentations for the songs this week for those who chose to write new lyrics. Working some descriptive paragraphs. 

SOCIAL: finishing the Iroquois Confederacy and studying for the upcoming test on March 14th.

MATH: finishing the unit on angles with a test this Friday the 2nd of March. Next unit...percentages, ratios and fractions.

Religion: continuing Lentopoly and looking at sacrifices. Also learning a little about Ramadan.

ART: beginning optical illusions. Sketchbook (texture) due March 12th.