Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Where has the year gone???
Hope you all had a restful break and are ready to get down to business. 
The most important message so far is the fact that the PAT for the writing portion of FLA and ELA are May 9th and 11th respectively. That means a lot of practice wrting stories and coming up with interesting ideas as Cathy Beveridge taught us. The rest of the PAT's will be in June and will send a schedule out next month.

Speaking of June...I also want to let you know that the FAREWELL is on Monday June 26th so you can mark your calendars and book the afternoon off. More information will be forthcoming for that as well but I would need you to dig out some of those ancient photos for a powerpoint presentation that I will put together. The "yearbook" is usually a parent-led souvenir, so hopefully someone comes forward to put that together. email me and let me know if you are interested in spearheading that and I can help with sending out mass emails and I have also been taking pictures all year.

OK now for this week...
Math: finishing percentages and will have a unit test on Monday April 10.

Sciences: We are just learning the Bernoulli principle of flight. We will have a quiz on Friday on JUST air and it's properties.

Religion: we continue Lentopoly and hopefully you have seen your children doing noce deeds around the house and neighbourhood. We are also going through the stations of the cross to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.

Social Studies: finishing municipal government and how school boards are implicated in politics. Test soon...I just have to find a date that works.

FLA: writing stories and opinion letters. We had a super fun class in poetry yesterday.

ELA: continuing with reading Shadows of Disaster, but will have some writing practice in there as well, especially newstories and short stories.

ART: next Tuesday...wear sloppy clothes because we are doing paper mache and it will be messy.
Music: finishing research project on musical instrument.

I'm exhausted! cheers