Monday, June 13, 2016

This week we will be building animal habitats and I would like to start tomorrow. Please bring in materials to construct your habitat. I have the kleenex boxes already. Students may bring in branches, leaves, sticks, rocks or toilet paper rolls to help them build.

The next 2 weeks in learning:
Français:  les animaux, les sons
ES: retest for those who did not do so well on Canada
Math: doubles...we learned a rap song today. Have your child try it at home:

Sciences: les animaux, habitats, construction, posters, research
Religion: how to be more like Jesus
Health: we are having some issues with students being unkind to one another, despite having learned how to be a good friend. It would be most helpful for you to chat with your child about being respectful. We may not always like everyone, but we need not treat them unkindly. Thank you for your support in this matter.
ELA: animal poems, using rhyming words