Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy Carnaval!
It was great to see students dressed in checkered shirts today. Tomorrow, if possible, they should add a "ceinture fléchée" or a scarf around their waist and Wednesday they are to add a tuque and rubber boots. (I have reservations about that though, as we are in the celebration...maybe a change of clothes??...if you can swing it...nice clothes for the morning and then we can change into lumberjacks for the afternoon activities...if not don't sweat it).
Today in BFG we made marshmallow snowmen and tomorrow we are putting up our banner. This afternoon, we danced and jigged in Français. So much to little time!

French: reading, reading, reading. And speaking, speaking speaking in French! Next week we will have new vocabulary words.
Math: some students are still struggling with + and - and maybe some at home practice is necessary. I will email individuals who still need help.
Science: finishing the 5 senses...funniest part was the taste testing and everyone thought they were getting chocolate but it was 70% pure...can you say run to the fountain! Not many liked the lemon juice either. In french we tasted sucre (sweet), amer (bitter), sale (salty) and acide (tart).
Health: we are finishing  up the 4 basic food groups...evaluation to come.