Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Happy Tuesday. I was at the dentist yesterday keeping my teeth in good health, so the Blog is a day late.

To begin with...Calling all Volunteers...
February 19th is going to be our 100th day of school and we will have a special day to commemorate it. Please consider volunteering as we will have several stations, needing several hands. I am giving  you a lot of notice in the hopes that you can help out. Please email me and let me know if you can be of help. Also in this regard, is there anyone who can cut out some glasses for me ahead of time (from cardboard, already traced, just need cutting, can be done at home while watching the Bachelor? Please email me. Merci!

This week is a short week so let's make the most of it!
Français: we are working on the sound "in". Another nasal as in the word "lapin". The "n" is not pronounced. We are also working on sentences, winter activities, and listening to and following instructions.
Math: Continue to practice the numbers up to 100. Find a 100 chart online and have your child name them as they count. Plus keep adding and subtracting things up to 15 (ex: 15 - 8 = ___)
Science: we have an evaluation on construction tomorrow and we are presenting the bedrooms that they built. Practice saying: voici ma chambre...voici mon lit....j'ai construit mon lit avec du carton etc.
Etudes Sociales: we just finished with Urbaine et Rurale. An evaluation is forthcoming. We will begin to discuss how to make the best decision in any given circumstance.
Religion: we will be working with the grade 4 class soon and start a project on the Chrome books on a Saint. This week, we will learn how to log onto the chromebooks (with  Mme Marie-Claude's grade 3 class) and go from there. Students may want to discuss the name of a saint with you, and what makes a person a saint. Students may continue to share their baptismal stories.