Monday, December 7, 2015

Where do I begin for this week?
First of all tomorrow night's concert, a gentle reminder Sunday best and arrive no later than 6:15 in the classroom. Merci...
and wish us luck!

Everyone brought back or sold the WESTJET tickets so that means...Freezie party! No pizza but I am super proud of less thing to worry about.

Food hamper items are coming in nicely; again a BIG thank you. No one has stepped forward to buy a gift for the family. (any takers? please email me asap. Merci) All items need to be handed in by THIS Friday as they go out next week. 

Speaking of Friday, it is pizza day but there is no theme day as that will be done next Thursday the 17th...pyjama day.
As, read, read...en français! Syllables were sent home to those had asked for them at interviews, so check agendas and if they did not make it home, ask your child where they disappeared to.
Bonne semaine