This week in Learning:
FLA: we continue with Hockey lecture and homophones (ce and se)
ELA: continue with poetry. Today was a Tanka...ask your kids what it is. Due tomorrow
MATH: today we began measuring the angles. Practice should be done at home as well. Homework for tomorrow: p136 #1,2,3, 4,,6,7 (pas d). I have sent the chapter through the gmail, let me know if you did not get it.
SCIENCE: we will present planets next class and test on Astronomie will be returned for signature.
SOCIAL: today students learned what a Wampum is and the next class they will make their own. Due tomorrow, the Peace story in sketchnoting to retell to our leaning buddies.
Religion: How are we priest, prophet and King?
ART: spirit animals still working on. Sketchbooks due Jan 30th
This week:
Pizza and Theme day Thursday (disco)
No Liturgy in the gym. It will be in classrooms only.
I have arranged to get the grade 5 students to supervise the afternoon recesses to give the grade 6ers a break. They should always have something constructive to do.