We had NO internet today until almost 3pm therefore there was nothing on Google classroom for those absent.
I handed back the skateboard assignments and most of the class did not achieve a passing grade. There will be a make up test for that unit next week and students need to see me to ask for a re-write. The designs were great but the coordinates did not match up.
Tomorrow in FLA we will write a practice PAT, at least the planning portion. Wednesday we will do one in ELA. Students should be reviewing their notes on how to write a short story and how to wirte an opinion letter (FLA) and news article (ELA). Poetry booklets were returned today for those that handed one in.
Math test on % decimals and fractions Wednesday.
ELA: we started a novel study to finish off the year; historical fiction
FLA: several students did not finish reading chapter one of the FLA novel study. Time in class is given, but if the student cannot read it all in class, then it is for homework. Each chapter needs a summary to check for understanding.
SOCIAL: We began chapter 7: how can Canada become a just and equitable society. We will be looking A LOT at the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in this chapter.
SCIENCES: we will look at the inside of a tree; parts and what they do; rings and the life of a tree based on the rings
Religion poster on Social justice principles due Friday