Monday, May 13, 2024

First PAT is done! It was tough to sit for over 2 hours, but overall they went well if students applied the information that they learned in class.

 Wednesday will be ELA but it is only a field test, which means that the information does not go to the government. Students should still review their notes on how to write a news article.

This week in learning:

 MATH: Test on symmetry/transformations on Thursday for those who did not do well on the skateboard assignment.

SCI: continuing with Trees/Forests. Today we looked at the bark and how branches grow. Students should be working on their traspiration experiment.

ES: continuing the charter of rights/poster

FLA: con't reading novel chapter 2 will be discussed tomorrow

ELA: Shadows chapter 2 discussed tomorrow

Religion: research on a social justice organization; students were (re-)shown CANVA today

I would like to take individual photos for the yearbook on Thursday this week, weather permitting, as well as committees that the students were in.