Tuesday, May 24, 2022

This week in Learning:

MATH: we have finished probabilities and there will be a test on Thursday. We will begin transformations, our last unit before the PAT's 

SCIENCE: transpiration experiment is due tomorrow. This week we will look at fungi, lichens and look more closely at the trees in the AB forests.

HEADS up: we will be going to Weasel head park for a field trip on June 10th and I will need volunteers, let me know if you are available through email.

ES: we are writing provincial gov't test today and finishing off how to make a better Canada. We will be looking very closely at the constitution, so if you want some supper discussions, this is a good topic.

ELA: beginning novel study "Shadows of Disaster". Each night there will be chapter readings and comprehension questions to do.

FLA: the students chose to have 2 different novel studies for this term so they are separated into 2 groups. We do not have enough novels for everyone to do 1 novel study. I offered to read to them, but this is what they chose, all good. One group will read "les crayons qui trichent" and the other group will read "la montagne noire".

Religion: we will finish Family life

Musique: students will be presented a new project that is part research, part show/production. Details to come.

THURSDAY: Pizza theme day STAR Wars