Monday, May 2, 2022

This week in Learning:

ES: here is the website of the legislative Assembly in Edmonton and it has some great information for this unit for the students. 

SCIENCE: we continue to look at forests and what the stages of growth are.

MATH: we conduct experiments to use for data so that we are able to out the data in graphs and analyze it.

FLA: poetry recitals this week

ELA: we are taking the time to learn about Asian Canadinas who have helped develop this country. Students will be sharing their information on the intercom in pairs or alone in the morning. Although we are using English class to research, the project will be done in French.

Frisbee Rob is coming to speak to us about mental health May 4th and 5th and students are asked to wear a hat on May 5th...Hats off to mental health...poster due tomorrow.