Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Week update:

 Math test for unit 2 has been set for October 15th

We will also be voting for our mayor, counselor and school trustee that day.

If students do not hand in assignments on their due date, it is their responsibilty to hand it in once it is complete. After a week of extra time, a note will go home stating what the child has not handed in. Time management is key in grade 6.

We will have a thanksgiving liturgy this Friday at 1h30 pm. If  you wish to join us, here is the ZOOM link. It is only our class that you will zoom with.


There is NO school on Monday the 11.

Please return FlipGrid forms asap so that we may begin to film important announcements to our school and learning buddies.

If you want to film to your rock story at home the link is on GC. Make sure your consent form is handed in.

QUIZ sante; ce vendredi le 8 oct

We are beginning Jacket Racket soon. Look for more information to come.