What we did this week and what you should have done
Math: leçons 1,2,3 Fiches 1 et 2
Sciences: coupe transversale, (GS) avec vocab; observations du disque (GS)
et pourquoi il y a ces marques
commencement du projet de recherche Arbre Alberta
Experience de transpiration
FLA: conjugaison de l'imparfait GS...6 feuilles et corrections
ELA chapters 12-14 summaries and questions and reading of said chapters.
Begin working on PART 1 of post reading activities
(essay or story).
Start working on PART 2 of post reading activities (creative)
Religion: God's children garden of our classroom
ART: choice board (1) and Sketchbook on balance
Santé: ce que je mange (à remplir le document pour une semaine)
Keep up to date so you don't fall behind
Bonne fin de semaine