Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Bon retour à l’école les élèves. If you kept up with the work we did online, then you will be smooth sailing until the end. Unfortunately, that is not the case for the majority of the students. When I was picking up assignments, and noting who had done what, my list was pretty empty. I was disappointed to say the least. Even with all of the reminders on the BLOG and GC, some students did not take their learning seriously. Thank you to those who did their work and handed it in.

This week in Learning:

Math: we continue on graphing and then move onto probability.

FLA: the plan for the French story was supposed to be handed in online. We will continue writing the stories in class.

ELA: Shadows of Disaster is due next MONDAY the 31st. This includes the following: chapter questions, answers summaries, 2 post reading activities and a News article. All enclosed with a title page. Students will have the remainder of the week to complete.

SCIENCE: garden seeds went home today. If you take pictures of your child planting, please send them along and I will forward to Grow Alberta.

Project on trees is due and students will present them this week.

SANTE: Hats off for mental health is overdue as is a list of everything your child eats during a week. We are studying nutrition for another few weeks.

Religion: we will begin presentations on other religions beginning tomorrow and then begin Family Life

Thursday the 27th I will be taking individual photos of students for the yearbook and possibly class photos as well, all weather dependant.