This week in Learning:
Math: we continue with transformations and symmetry. We have learned all of the transformations and now we will put them together to show symmetry. The final project will be a design one showing what they have learned.
FLA: we are looking at francophone communities in Alberta. Each student chose a community and they will research the components necessary from the rubric.
ELA: good copies of essays are due tomorrow. Next up, Poetry.
SCI: 7 out of 23 students did not build a parachute that was supposed to be done last week, including those that were given a second chance. I am quite disappointed in this number. Seeing as it was windy today and will snow the rest of the week, parachutes are on hold. Students should see me for a 3rd chance before Wednesday.
Wednesday we will be presenting the vehicle propulsed by a balloon. I hope that the number of projects completed is higher than the parachutes.
ES: we will finish the unit on municipal gov't and see the types of schools offered to us. TEST is next week.
Religion: today we looked at Virtues and students are working on their Lenten maps.
Book Fair visit tomorrow
Thursday: pizza and theme: fancy dress up P-T interviews evening
Friday: P-T interviews all day