Monday, February 12, 2024

 This week in learning:

A short week so we need to try to get as much done as possible with the disruptions that are coming next week.

MATH: aire of parallelograms and volume of a prisme/cube. MATH tests of statistics and probability going home tonight for signature.

ES: last day for Haudenausonees and next class we begin municipal gov't. TEST chap 4 Monday the 20th

SCI: students will be doing research/poster on how ____ flies (bird or insect)

Religion: finishing the consecrated and Lent begins Wednesday

FLA: continue hockey lecture; imparfait for verbs

ELA: how to read, understand and retell a story, oral presentations

musique: rhythm continues

Please submit speedskating forms by tomorrow if you wish your child to go on this field trip next week.

Valentines brought treats or candy, just cards.

Pancakes served by Knights of COlumbus tomorrow at lunch; bring extra food if you are a big eater

Tomorrow we have the opportunity to listen to an alumni student of St Luke and Madeleine d'Houet, Lisa Latouche. She is featured on a new Black History month poster distributed across the district.