Sunday, September 24, 2023

Thank you so much to the students for their amazing actualization in the opening school mass. Very proud of them and their efforts.

Thank you to all parents and students who attended PT conferences. Your collaboration in your child's education is appreciated.


Terry Fox run Tuesday at 9h15am. Please bring a Toonie...Did you know that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month? 

Today 6 Canadian Children will be diagnosed with cancer. There are many ways to support these children
and their families on their journey.

Wednesday we have our first Fire drill in the a.m. and the HPV vaccines are in the p.m.

This week we are also running a food drive. Any student who brings in a non-perishable food item will receive a token. 

FRIDAY is Orange shirt day as this week is set aside for Truth and Reconciliation. Anyone wearing an orange t-shirt will receive a token.

This Week in Learning:

MATH: continuing with factors and then moving onto + and - numbers.

ELA: continuing with Vermeer. Quiz on Figures of speech either this week or next, we will discuss.

FLA: continuing with grammar; nouns and adjectives. Quiz on determinants lundi le 2 octobre

ES: Citizens' responsabilities in democratie.

SCI: shoe impressions; tire impressions as evidence.

MUSIQUE: have your choice of Francophone song approved by Monday Oct 2nd

CTF: sharing the slideshow and Food Trucks need to be approved by Mme before beginning the project.

Religion: we come to know God through scripture