Monday, September 19, 2022

This week in Learning:

Math: factors of numbers (which numbers do we multiply to get the product)

Science: animals tracks, tires treads as evidence

ES: why do we need rules, why do we need a government? Chapter 1. A calendar for Current events will be started this week. Current events need to be on anything to do with any of the 3 levels of govn't. 

FLA: we will begin GB+ reading program. Based on levels of reading, students will be put into groups for reading comprehension. This allows me the time to properly evaluate their reading levels. we will alos write speeches for condidates and democracy.

ELA: we continue to read Chasing Vermeer and work on Figures of speech.

Religion: we come to know God through nature. The mass is on Wednesday @10am at St Luke church. Please join us.

Wellness: quiz on fire drills and lockdowns returned. Looking at self reflections and "toot your own horn".

ART: working on Onomatopee words