Monday, January 4, 2021

A happy return to everyone and blessings for a great year! If 2020 taught me anything, it would patience and to slow down a bit, but for a type-A personality, that might still need some tweaking.
Here's hoping we are back in the classroom next week.

This week in Learning:
MATH: kids are working on reviewing the chapter on decimals and there will be a test when we return. They are to work on Montre ce que tu sais pp 118 and to ask questions if they don't understand something. They are mostly struggling with division of decimals at this time. Next up is angles. Please make sure your child has a protractor (un rapporteur en francais).

SCIENCES: we are finishing up the unit on astronomy. Students will be working on 2 short projects. The first is getting to know the other planets in our solar system. I will assign groups and it will be online. The second is making up their own planet and a vacation pamphlet to incite people to visit their planet. A test is also forthcoming the week after next.

FLA: this week will be a variety of listening to French podcasts and answering comprehension questions. When we return we will resume the hockey lecture.

ELA: We will work on homonyms and other grammar activities. When we return, we will perform our Reader's Theater.

Religion: Epiphany and the mysteries of the Rosary will be looked at. I sent home a sheet on the mysteries so look for it for tomorrow.

ART: finish your Vermeer drawing in your sketchbooks and work on your texture assignment.

Musique: a finir votre recherche de votre chanteur/groupe sur  Google Slides pour présenter à la classe.

And finally...this is what Charity looks like:

We donated 800 pairs of socks to the Drop in Center and they were very appreciative. See letter below. Merci les amis for YOUR initiative! 💓💓

December 21, 2020



Hello Colette Page-Turner and students from St. Luke School,



Thank you for your generous donation of 800 fill-a-socks and other items!  We truly appreciate your support! These items will be directly used to serve the most vulnerable in our city.


The DI is more than an emergency shelter. We provide essential care as well as health services, employment training, and housing supports to thousands of people who need help. Our programs and services connect people to permanent housing that meets their individual needs and supports their journey back to independence.


With this in mind, we hope you will consider the Calgary Drop-In Centre when donating in the future. We thank you again for your kind donation. Because of donors like yourself we are able to support vulnerable Calgarians in our community.


With kindness,


Colin Newman

Donation Centre

403-264-0856                Reg# 118823459RR0001