Tuesday, June 2, 2020

mardi le 2 juin

GM à 1h pour les maths...probabilité théorique et expérimentale.

FLA = ES la grande Paix de Montreal

ELA: continue working on your drug research for those finished their news articles.

SCI: types d'arbres et la photosynthèse.

REL: still to come in the meantime, practice your words and song for Farewell...Mon Destin

Bitmojis: please send asap. Try to have them standing and on a transparent or white background. The page is starting to fill up. 

No one has stepped up to read/ make any speeches for the Farewell. (speech to parents, speech to teachers, prayer) 
Mme is working hard on this and needs some commitment from you as well. 

Bitmoji Image