Monday, April 20, 2020

This week in Learning:

Math: answers to fiches 4 and 5 have been posted. Tomorrow we will look at perimeter during Google Meets @1pm.

ELA: I have posted the after novel activities. You need to choose one from each bundle. One is a written assignment, while  the other is more creative. Both can be sent to me via Google docs or send a picture with an explanation. Mme Amanda has also sent the next chapter of her book reading.

FLA: I have not received many answers for the reading comprehension so I reposted the assignment. Upcoming this week is another reading comprehension and activity about Covid.

Social Studies: I sent an assignment to help students get to know the provincial government. The final assignment for this unit will be coming later. 

Science: in Gmail, I sent 4 videos about the plane movements and parts that studens should view. I so appreciate the help of my colleague at Holy Name school for helping in this unit.