Monday, March 23, 2020

This week in learning:
As per Alberta Education guidelines, the teachers are allowed to assign only one hour of work per day. Not all students have the support nor the technology to do any more than that and as we learned in ES, we need to keep it equitable.

Lentopoly for today: pray the Angelus for 4 tokens
See the source image

I sent the answers to Math lecon 1 on google classroom. It is up to you to correct it on your own. You do not need to send it to me. This is the honor system.
I also posted all the flipgrid codes, so you can now read me your poem en français.
keep the different subjects separated to help  me out. Merci.
I also posted the Chapter nine read by me and you have the questions in your pack of sheets I gave  you when you picked up your stuff. 
That's all for today. 
Can we have a google hangouts at 1h30 today to see how everyone is doing?