Thursday, December 12, 2019

As the end of this 2019 comes to a close, here a few very important dates and upcoming events...get out your calendars:

vendredi 13 Religion magazine section on advent and Optical illusion ART due.

lundi 16 decembre: quiz phases de la lune and hand in sheet of observations from the past month.

mardi 17: Open house from 6-7h30, come and go, visit other classes. Grade 6 charity committee will be selling candy canes for Mission Mexico.

mercredi 18 French novel study due...includes title page, vocab, summaries, letter and project/poster. Test Etudes Sociales chapitre 3

jeudi 19 decembre math unit test on decimals. Advent celebration in the gym @ 10h.

FRIDAY December 20 we will have pj day, classroom party and film, games and gift exchange (optional). I will have a sign up sheet for the snacks. Students not finished work that is due will be asked to that before celebrating.