Today I sent home the quiz on Bande Dessinée. It is to be signed by the parent and returned to school. Good job overall. We will have one more class to work on their comic book strips and then I will assign a due date. Stay tuned.
ELA: we have begun reading the novel "Chasing Vermeer". Students will be reading in class and answering comprehension questions to go with the chapters. During this novel study we will work on newsarticles for the PAT preparation. Have your child read some easy news articles or even magazine articles, to get a feel for the type of language used. this week students should be done reading up to chapter 4.
Math: I am finding that some students are still struggling with their multiplications and it is affecting their work. If your child falls in that category, it is necessary that they practice, practice, practice. There are many math websites with math games that can play online. Here is one
One part of the PAT's will have 15 questions whereby students are not allowed to use calculators. Thanks for being on top of this.
We will be looking at order of operations to figure out math equations...do YOU know what the order is?
Science: Last week we looked at tire treads and their characteristics for helping police. This week we look at handwriting analysis and maybe get into fiber tests.
Social: Students have a test on the Introduction and Chapter 1 this Thursday. Next we look at democracy in action. That means that we will be starting our class elections and debates. Current events dates have been assigned and students should be aware of when they are presenting.
Religion: We looked at friednships and what makes a friend a friend. This week, we will look at why people help one another, even if they are not close to us.
ART: we had our last class on Onomatopeia and I am anxiously awaiting our sketchbooks. If students have one from last year that still has pages, they are most certainly welcome to bring them in while we wait.
Thursday: Terry Fox at 1pm-ish. Forms and donations to be given before Thursday.
Friday: Superhero theme day and Mme Wozny made it Orange shirt day as well. I spoke to the students today how they can incoporate both.
![Image result for superhero](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5b/18/3e/5b183eab5263e0ddadf46ce750932239.jpg)
Finally a HUGE shout out to my class for their amazing job at the opening mass today. They were respectful, well mannered and everyone commented on their maturity and how well they did. BRAVO