Any Valentines should be sent tomorrow, Tuesday Feb 13th as the 14th is the begining of Lent. Thank you for your cooperation.
This week in Learning:
FLA: We have our finalists for HOCKEY LECTURE... they are the Spoodermans and the Jjeccas. They will be going head to head tomorrow. The students found that this activity did indeed increase their vocabulary and reading comprehension. There will be a reading comprehension test next week.
ELA: finishing the poetry unit with a quatrain to memorize and perform or a song to change the lyrics and perform. hope the kids have fun with this.
MATH: We will be finishing the angles unit and having a test next week. This week we are looking at quadrilaterals and the sum of their angles being 360 degrees.
Social: We will be looking at how the confederacy is structured...who's in charge of what.
Religion: We will begin LENTOPOLY which is a game I found that allows students to do good deeds or small sacrifices for Lent.
Looking at Learning styles and how knowing what they are can help us study and learn better.
Ash Wednesday celebration is at 1pm on Wednesday if you can join us.
Thursday and Friday are Teacher's convention. See you back to school Tuesday Feb. 20th.