Friday, December 21, 2018

Image result for christmas
May you enjoy a holiday filled with Christ's love.
See you in the new year!
Last four activities for our advent calendar:
1. help a stranger
2. clean y our room from top to bottom
3. donate books to children's hospital or charity
4. smile at everyone you meet for one day

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Pyjamas, snacks for party and gift if you are participating.

This is what social justice looks like:

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

A fun time had by all... Greek games 2018

La Lutte 

Les Danceurs
les Feuilles

le Grecs
les esclaves

Monday, December 17, 2018

Image result for last week before christmas meme

This week in Learning:

MATH: Continuing with angles. Students should be getting quite adept at using their protractors. When correcting, I give them a 2 degree leeway either way, so they should be close enough.
We are also writing problems for others to solve, as a sort of "Escape Room" game. 

SCIENCE: students are putting the finishing details on their aliens and planet brochures. They will be due Friday so as to present right away after Christmas. Astronomie Tests go home today to be signed. Please return asap. Thanks

SOCIAL: finishing greek pamphlets.. Due this Friday. Tomorrow is Greek day. Dress in togas to take full advantage of the experience. The gym is booked from 2h15-3h15 for the actual games. It is always a highlight of the unit.

FLA: finishing the novel study. There will not a be quiz on the novel, as the project should indicate that comprehension took place. Projects to be handed in Friday.

ELA: students are completing the myth story and art project that goes with it. Again, they are due this Friday to be presented after Christmas. 

RELIGION: continuing with the 3rd week of Advent (JOY). How will we bring joy to others this last week of school. We will start to  compile Warm socks this afternoon and they will be delivered Thursday to the MUSTARD SEED. Thank you for donating generously.💚

Party and pyjama day Thursday
Advent celebration Friday 1pm

Thursday, December 13, 2018

The students wanted to do a secret santa before Christmas, however it is going to be difficult, given the absence of some over the course of the week. We came up with an alternative. For those wanting to participate, they will buy a neutral gift up to 10$, wrap the gift and then on the day of our party, we will draw numbers to pick from the pile. Others who choose after the first one, will have the choice of stealing gift #1 or choosing a new gift. It is meant to be fun and not to be taken too seriously. Participation is optional. The gifts should arrive at school by Wednesday. 
Image result for gift clip art

Also, speaking of our party, it will take place on Thursday all day, as it is also pyjama day. We will watch a film, play games and celebrate the coming of Jesus. Students have been signing up for snacks to share.(Please ensure that they are nut-free or at least ingredients indicated).
 Image result for pyjamas

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Chapitre 7
Ca va barder: you’re gonna get it
Barniques: lunettes
Crasse: la boue
Déconcentrer: enlever la concentration
Harponner : attraper
Gober : accepter/ avaler
S’ébouriffer : dépeigner
Plaquer : coller
S’enfarger : éviter
S’affaisser : tomber
Firmament : ciel
S’amorcer : commencer
Mener : gagner/prendre contrôle
Jucher : percher
S’empiffrer : dévorer
Bégayer : hésiter à parler
Déboire : méchancetés
Débouler : tomber
Je suis navré : je m’excuse/desole
Larmoyer : pleurer
Déambuler : marcher lentement
Effondrer : abattu
Phalanges : mains
Corbillard : auto pour les morts
Museau : nez

Monday, December 10, 2018

Back from the near dead...not 100% but getting there.

This week in learning:
Math: We are beginning ANGLES and several students still do not have a protractor. Without it then cannot do this unit. They are 5$ at Walmart. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

ELA: working on myths of constellations. Suffix/prefix quiz going home today. We will create Greek art work to go with the constellation story tomorrow. 

SCIENCE: students are working on their planets and will be building their aliens this week. Send any material to school for construction Thursday Dec 13th. Science test on Astronomie is also that same day. 

SOCIAL: I still need to know what riding you belong to if you want your child to vote in that riding in the provincial elections. Students who live too far away or who do not respond will vote in Calgary Varsity.
Working on greek pamphlet. Test is tomorrow Dec 11th. As a head's up, our Greek games will be next Tuesday the 18th. Come dressed in Togas.

Religion: thank you to all that have sent in socks  and other goods for our Warm Socks campaign. Due date is next Monday. Christmas is a time to think of those less fortunate. Let's make this a donation to remember.
 Image result for socks
We continue with the second week of Advent...Love. I hope your children are partcipating in the random acts of kindness.

FLA: Verb quiz going home. I expect their writing to improve now that they have had a complete review. 
We will finish the novel this week and work on a final assignment.

ART: not all sketchbooks were handed in and not all silhouettes. Students are responsible for staying up to date with due dates. The Blog gives an overview, but the homework board gives due dates.

Christmas concert this week.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Chapitre 6
Grumeaux de pus : balles de mucus
Du solide : des preuves
Repéré : découvert
Voutes : anglais « vault »
Catapulter : jeter
Mulet : âne
Ruses : les étapes
S’effoirer : échouer
Décrète : commande
Échafaudages : plateformes
Avariée : endommagée
Lâcheté : faiblesse
Accablante : pénalisante
Vanter : se flatter (anglais brag)
Entamer : manger
Bévues : erreurs
Je bombe le torse : puff his chest out
Escroc : voleur
Envergure : largeur
Tripoter : manipuler (fiddle with)
Prévenir : avertir, dire a
Loufoque : bizarre
Berlue : hallucinations

I have registered students to vote in the upcoming provincial elections. It is a great way to be informed and make a decision based on their research. As such, I need to  know what riding they live in so I can order the correct amount of ballots (as opposed to all of them voting in the riding where St Luke resides). I need the answers by Monday Dec 10th. Here is the Elections AB website whereby you can search your riding if you are unsure.

Monday, December 3, 2018

This week in Learning:

FLA: we didn't get to chapters 5 and 6 last week, so that is on the agenda this week. Please make sure that summaries for each chapter are up to date as well as vocabulary lists.

ELA: We will be presenting the Greek god projects. Students will be chosen randomly.

Math: unit test on decimals this week the 6th.

Social: there will be a cumulative project presented today that will help students prepare for the unit test next week, the 11th. Everything you ever wanted to know about ancient Greece democracy.  

Science: Astronomie unit test next week, as well. I will present their cumulative project this week to work on in small groups...There is other life out there!

Religion: this week marks the begining of Advent. We will have an advent calendar of random acts of kindness to complete.

ART: C'est moi! silhouette project due this Friday. Sketchbook assignment on shape  due Dec 18th.

Please continue to practice the songs for the Christmas concert.
Warm Socks for the Streets: our class is collecting the woolen socks to be stuffed with other items collected by the other grades. Due date is Dec 17th. Thank you for your support.

Chapitre 5

Muqueuse : mucus

Ouaouaron : une grenouille

Un pan : un morceau

Un mégot : une cigarette

Les babines : les lèvres aussi pp 67 badigoinces

Les méninges : le cerveau

Décarcasser : bouger en entortillant

Chaviré : bouleversé

Posologie : dosage de médicament

Péripéties : les mésaventures

Énigme : problème

Boulot : travail

Rebrousser : retourner

Désemparé : s’inquiéter

Enfourner : manger

Une nuque : la tête

Ça sonne dans le beurre : personne ne réponds au téléphone

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Change in dates for exams :

Math: December 6th
Social: December 11th
Science: December 13th

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

This week in learning:

FLA; reading chapters 5 and 6 in novel study. Quiz on composantes de la phrase Thursday Nov 29

ELA: finishing Greek god research and then presenting them. Quiz on suffixes and prefixes next week Tuesday Dec 4th

SCIENCES: we will be ending our unit soon. There will be a quiz on phases of the moon this Wednesday. Our wrap-up activity will be creating our own planet. Unit test TBA soon

SOCIAL: finishing our unit on ancient Greek democracy. Unit test will be next  Wednesday Dec 5th.

RELIGION: Covenant story of Mt Sinai and the 10 commandments in their own words.

MATH: we are almost done our unit on decimals. Some still need help with long division. Practice at home. 

Friday, November 23, 2018

Chapitre 4
Procès : procédure en court                  
Élucider : clarifier
Rafler : capturer
Placoter : parler beaucoup
Corvée : travail pénible
Dévier : changer de direction
Ne ronge pas les sangs : ne t’inquiète pas
Siroter : boire
Défouler : décompresser/relaxer
Écarts : erreurs
Saccage : vandalisme
Cagibi : placard
Constater : remarquer/noter
Brouiller : mélanger
Dégourdi : débrouillard
Piquer : voler
Crépuscule : avant le soleil se couche
Tirer les vers du nez : forcer qqun de confesser
Couver : commencer
Chamaillé : bataillé
Inouï : bizarre

Chapitre 3
Poireauter : rester, attendre
Attiser : enflammer
Entraîner : tirer/transporter
Un accroc : déchirure
Un aveu : une confession
Ciboulot : tête
Penaud : gêner, embarrasser
Toiser : examiner
Râler : protester/chialer
Flancher : faiblir/arrêter
Chômage : sans travail
Un néant : zéro
Pétrin : trouble

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Math homework
I sent the link in the students gmail account, copy and paste it 
Hopefully it works

Questions on pp 106-107
# 1,2,4,6,7,12,13

Monday, November 19, 2018

This week in Learning:

FLA: continuing with novel study. Students should stay up-to-date with vocab and readings and if they re-read a chapter it helps with understanding. By the end of this week we will be done chapter 4. Quiz on les composantes de la phrase TBA

ELA: research on Greek gods. I asked students to take info and pictures with a grain of salt, as we are talking gods...enough said. The goal is to do a good indepth research on GOOD quality websites and find the information needed and then present it to the class (not read it). We are also studying prefixes and suffixes to enhance our vocabulary.

MATH: multiplying decimals and later this week, dividing them.

SOCIAL: please return signed tests asap. Learning about the way the ancient greeks governed.

SCIENCE: the power of the sun and how the position of the sun changes height of shadows during the day. Last week students made magnitude stargazers. They should try them out at home in the evening. Continue to stargaze!

RELIGION: anti bullying week. We will look at several lessons about who bullies, who is bullied and what exactly is bullying. take a look at this link with lots of information;

MUSIC: pratice the songs for the Christmas concert. Here are 2 links for the music


Important this week:
Wear Red this Wednesday. See Mme Wozny's blog/weekly message

Thursday mustache day pizza

Friday: International day of the Child...wear Blue

Friday, November 16, 2018

mots de vocabulaire Chapitre 2

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Informations importantes de chapitre 1
Situation initiale: élèves ont reçus leurs résultats de test de grammaire. 
2/3 de la classe=100%

Math homework: multiplying decimals

Monday, November 12, 2018

Mots de vocabulaire chapitre 1

This week in Learning:

FLA: we have begun a novel study called "Les crayons qui trichent" We will be working on vocabulary (words for chapter 1 will follow this post) and comprehension. Students will be reading every night and writing a summary of every chapter.

ELA: We are beginning a short unit on Reader's Theater. Students will be in groups and will be asked to use their voices to put on a play. 

MATH: we are continuing with decimals, naming them and rounding them up or down.

SCIENCE: looking at constellations and planets this week. If you want to  you can download the Skyview APP that helps you see constellations even in daylight. It is free and cool! Students are asked to note where the constellations  are at various times, remembering that we are rotating and revolving.

SOCIAL: test on chapter 2 tomorrow. We have begun looking at ancient Greece and their form of democracy. 

RELIGION: looking at Mount Sinai and the covenant story. Students will each be performing  and act of that story.

HEALTH: learning styles with a the goal of trying out something new. ie: if a student is more a visual learner, maybe try to learn tactilely, or auditorily. Studies show that the more senses use to learn, the better you will retain the information.

PLEASE NOTE: We are using more sheet protectors than anticipated as they are a great way to keep materials organized. I have been supplying some, but if you could make a run to Walmart or the loonie store to pick up another package, that would be great! Thanks for your help.Image result for sheet protectors

Monday, November 5, 2018

This week in Learning:

FLA: continue le 5 au Quotidiens with a smacking of grammar, "les composantes de la phrase"

ELA: finishing Vermeer. Novel study due on Friday Nov 9th (includes questions, title page, news article and pentomino puzzle) and figure of speech quiz this Wednesday.

MATH: unit test on Thursday Nov 8th on patterns, chapter 1 in the book. Next up...decimals.

SCIENCE: still looking at the moon and writing observations on sheet to hand in at end of month.
Looking at seasons and moon phases.

Religion: Social justice research projects, working on this week. I anticipate them being due next Monday Nov 12th to present in class.

SOCIAL Studies: we have completed chapter 2 on Democracy in Action. There is a test next week Nov 13th. 

(Can you tell progress reports are coming up?)

ART: silhouettes in mixed media. Students should be thinking about what they want in their adult lives and drawing pictures or cutting out pics or words from magazine to make a collage.

Coming up this week:
Remembrance day celebration. Please send $ for a poppy
.Image result for poppy
Chris Bray presentation on faith formation this Friday @ 9h30

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy LONG weekend and happy Halloween!Image result for halloween clip art

Congratulations to our Grade 6 class council:
Will, Nicole, Regan, Isaac and Kalyna! Job well done by everyone!

Next week: math test, ELA figures of speech quiz, Novel study and Religion Social justice projects.

Monday, October 29, 2018

This [short] week in learning: 

FLA: les 5 au Quotidien. This is a reading program done in class whereby students are grouped at the same level and they work together to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary. 

ELA: News articles. Learning how to write a great lead.

MATH: finishing coordinates and beginning equality in equations. I am anticipating the test for this module on Nov. 8th, next Thursday.

SCIENCE: looking at the night sky. Students are bringing home a sheet to note the phases of the moon over a month. They are also asked to look at constellations and the position of the sun, moon and stars.

SOCIAL: today we had speeches by the candidates and tomorrow we vote! For the rest of the week we will finish chapter two and have a quiz on it next week.

RELIGION: social justice research. I have booked the Chromebooks and students will research a non-profit organization and talk about how it helps the community. We will work on this next week as well.

HEALTH: quiz on studying this Wednesday

Wear orange and black on Wednesday!
Student Council candidats: Congratulations to everyone who put their name forth. Great job on the speeches. Good luck in the election.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Learning buddies today: Grade 6 students gave instructions to 2/3 on making a pumpkin

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Coming soon!
Elections 2018 for class council
Tuesday October 29th 

Image result for elections ballot

Monday, October 22, 2018

This week in Learning:

ELA; finishing Vermeer and working on a news article and putting the novel study together to hand in next week.

FLA: working on speeches for Social Studies. If students are running for candidacy, they will write a speech as to why we should vote for them. If students are not running for election, they will write a speech about what democracy means to them and how it affects their life.

SOCIAL: fundamental rights, democratic rights and speeches.

SCIENCE: looking at the sky, objects that reflect and emit light. Every night students will be asked to observe the sky and note it in their notebooks.

MATH: finishing algebra and moving onto coordinates and how to place them on a grid.

Coming up this week: 
Youthlink Tuesday. Please be on time. The bus will leave @9am and return @ 2h30

Friday, October 19, 2018

YOUTHLINK Tuesday October 23rd

What to Bring:

(Indoor shoes ONLY in case of inclement weather.)

Please have each student bring a peanut-free lunch and a pencil. 

Pens and gum are not permitted. 

Note:   there is NO microwave available.

 Please have students bring a water bottle as there are no water fountains available in the Centre. 

Schools may follow their own cell phone policy while at the Centre; however we ask that if cell phones are present, they be placed on silent and out of site while programming is being delivered. 

Pictures are allowed to be taken with cameras or cell phone cameras.

Student Supervision is the Responsibility of volunteers and teachers: 

Recommended ratio is 1 adult : 10 students. Classes must have a minimum of three adults present with each class. 

We expect the adult supervisors to take an active part in the program by helping the students stay focused on the program but not doing the activities for the students or leading or directing 

In addition, teachers and parents will be solely responsible for supervising students during a half-hour lunch break.

Teachers and parents are expected to help manage 

students and be positive role models.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

St Luke feast day with our learning buddies:
We made artist palettes with oreo cookies and smarties and pretzels.

Monday, October 15, 2018

This week in learning:

Science: Test tomorrow on Evidence and investigation.
Today we began our new unit on Astronomie. this is super website that is interactive and helps students with some concepts such as rotation and revolution.

FLA: we will finish our our crime scene today and present Wednesday. All groups should be ready to go.

ELA: Continuing Vermeer. 

Phys Ed: none this week as they are dancing every day

Social Studies: Debate teams should be ready to go on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Reminder that it is a mini-debate, not university level. 

MATH: we continue working on patterns in value tables. Today we learned a trick to figure out the operations needed for the pattern. 

Religion: we will begin looking at Moses' life. In pairs, students will be assigned a part of his life to illustrate and present to the class. We will also have an in-class celebration for our Patron St. on Thursday.

Dance Kreations latin dance every day @ 2h45-3h15. Students will need to be organized and ready to go.
Final Performance Friday @1:00pm in the gym
Thursday pizza day and Crazy hair day

Friday, October 12, 2018

Homework for those who didn't finish:
Vermeer chapters 9-12 + questions
Math p 8 numbers 1,2,4,5,6,9

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Demain quiz en français: expressions avec "avoir" et "être".

Mme Wozny said the students were AMAZING in helping sort the clothes for "Pass it on Clothing" Merci les amis.

Si vous voulez filmer votre scénette demain en français, apportez vos costumes. Les iPads seront disponibles.

Start studying in Science: Unit test on Oct. 16th.

English letter due Friday

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

This week in Learning:

Math: unit test tomorrow am. We will be starting our next unit on patterns and equality in equations. There are still some students struggling with multiplication and division skills. Today we had a mini pratice of Part A of the math PAT. 5 simple math equations using decimals and whole numbers. Students are asked to take these, switch up the numbers and practice, practice, practice.

FLA: We continue to work on our Fairy Tale forensic crime scenes. Quiz on expressions using "avoir" and "être" this Thursday. 

ELA: We will continue reading the novel "Chasing Vermeer". Personal letters will now be for homework due Friday the 12th.

Science: We are pretty much done our unit on forensics and the date for the test is October 16th. Permission slips for Youthlink have gone home today and should be returned asap. 

Social Studies: We are busy working on our debate topics and students are compiling lists of 5 pros and cons for each topic. Thursday they will be assigned their side and be asked to put together their arguments. 

Religion: Our symbol this year is a lantern and students are asked to think about how they can be a light to others. This week we look at the bible and some stories of how God is a light for us.

ART/Health: I will incoporate the two subjects and have students think about what they really want in life. They will then put together a collage on a silhouette to show their goals/dreams/desires.

Coming up: 
Sorting clothes for the "Pass it on clothing"  Wednesday a.m.  
School pictures Friday
SPARK/Brain breaks: we will have one student per week to set up a routine brain break and try to reach so many minutes per week. When we add the minutes we want to reach so many kms to reach a destination by a certain date. (1 min = 1km) If we achieve that goal, we will celebrate with a party/reward.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Class council rules

This week in Learning:

FLA: Bande Dessinée is due tomorrow. I have yet to see the signatures of parents on some quizzes. Please sign them and have your child show them to me. It is our way of communicating results on the students' progress and let's me know that you are aware of results. Thank you.
This week we begin an oral presentation that ties in with Science. Students will create a crime scene based on a Fairy Tale, including a crime, evidence, suspects and investigation. Should be fun.

ELA: we began reading chapter 5 last week and up to chapter 8 will be assigned today, including questions and decoding. Due tomorrow. We will also work on leter writing, beginning with a personal letter.

Social Studies: today students were given the 411 on how to run for class council. I have included the info in the next BLOG. Students NOT running will still have to do a speech on democracy.
We have also decided on the topics for our debates and students will be working on them this week and next.

SCIENCE: Today we look at chromatography, and try to forge someone else's writing (goes with graphology).

MATH: We have 2 more lessons before the unit test. I anticipate it next week, so start studying and reviewing. 

Coming up this week: 
Lockdown Wednesday
Liturgy for Thanksgiving Wednesday at 1pm
Farm to school orders arrive Wednesday
Friday PD day no school for students and
Monday thanksgiving...Have a great weekend!

Image result for thanksgiving