Monday, March 20, 2017

So with preparing for the interviews last week, I dropped the ball on the BLOG so here is this week's update:

First of all, thanks again to Teresa Cowan for organizing the Bake sale and for the students who helped "man/woman" the station (if I don't write both the students will accuse me of sexism!) Also, thanks to everyone who came to the interviews...the last one of the year! A common comment was the fact that we have 4 very intense months together and the work will be augmenting. Between subject chatter needs to stop to get everything done.

Math: working on fractions, mixed numbers (2 1/2) improper fractions (5/2) and this week ratios (4:5    4 to 5    4/5).

Science: continuing air and more flop experiments...I'm getting better but definitely science happening! Get kids to think about things that need air, use air, everyday items that need air, air pressure (ex:tires, pumps)

Social Studies: finishing Local government, how they are elected.

Religion: starting a game called LENTOPOLY...all about doing good deeds and making small sacrifices.

ELA:  Last week, students worked on descriptive paragraphs and some were quite good, leading me to believe that they are following my directions for good writing. This week we are reading Shadows of Disaster. Every other day we will work on a chapter; reading and questions. This Thursday, we have the privilege of having the author of that book, Cathy Beveridge, come and speak to us about the writing process and to help prepare us for the PAT writing portion of the exam. Please try not to miss that day.

French: doing a short poetry unit, mostly with respect to comprehension and finding the theme of the poems. 

Health: healthy eating. Food diaries were due today. What did your child eat last week. 

Thursday is also THEME DAY: fictional characters.