This week in Learning:
Social Studies: We finished the debates today. All went well and most students participated with passion. I also handed out a sheet for Current Events. This is an at home project. Students are to choose one event to present to the class on their date. All students have been assigned a date. We will also be writing speeches for classroom representatives. Not everyone has to put their names forward for election, but EVERYONE has to write a speech.
Science: Field trip forms need to be in this form, no trip.
QUIZ THIS WEDNESDAY on notes so far.
We have received our crime information from CPS and will be working on the particulars. Still working on tissu evidence.
MATH: whole numbers, positive and negative. And still practicing multiplication and division facts.
Francais: Les 5 au Quotidien/Daily 5. Working with opinion books in groups, reading, working on vocabulary and giving opinions. Still working on Verbs: 3rd group. ESSENTIAL to have a Bescherelle at school.
Religion: Lantern as our yearly can we be a light to others.
ELA: still reading Vermeer and working on Figures of Speech.