Sunday, June 23, 2024

This week:

Tomorrow is our field trip to the FCJ center. Lunch is provided, students need only bring a small snack. We will be indoors (including the chapel) and outdoors, so dress comfortably and respectfully. Thank you.

Tuesday is our sports day in the afternoon, and the grade 6ers will be leading the stations. They can dress in their country or origin colors for the Olympics. Everyone needs to bring a water bottle clearly marked with their name. After all the classes have passed through, the grade 6ers will be able to have 20 minutes for themselves to play. Unfortunately due to the water shortage, no water fight will be permitted like last year. Thank you for understanding. 

Wednesday will be our cleaning day, including desks, inside and out, shelves, books, etc. We have not discussed the afternoon yet, but a movie is a possibility, including signing yearbooks and saying final goodbyes. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

This week in learning:

Today students wrote their last exam in Social and the PAT is on Wednesday.

We did a practice PAT in Science together and students are invited to look at the follwoing link for further practice exams. Science PAT is Thursday.

We continue Family life this week and look at the development of the fetus from conception to birth.

Musique project is due the 19th.

Religion project is due Friday.

Friday is also National Indigenous Day where we will have several activities to honor our indigenous peoples.

ELA: novel study due this week as is FLA.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Parents, please note the MATH test today was a field test and the marks do not go into the progress report. I found it difficult, so believe your kids when they say so! The new curriculum is too much, too soon...just saying! (Jump off soap box here)!

Kids need to be studying for ES and Science for next week (Wedn and Thurs respectively). 

They also need to have most of FLA novel sudy done for Monday but the creatvie project, we will continue to work on. Same goes for ELA novel study.

Science tests went home today for signature and to study from. Please return all old exams back after you have studied from them. Merci

Here is a picture of our sacrament recipients from today's celebration.

Happy Father's day to all dads.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Sacramental celebration is tomorrow at 1pm. Please join us if you can. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

This week:

Yesterday was the FLA reading comp PAT

 Today we did a field test for ELA reading comp on Vretta and it seemed to go well.

Tomorrow will be a field test for mental math and Friday will be the whole year content Field test MATH.

Tomorrow is also the test for science unit on trees and forests and we voted to move the Social test to Monday the 17th for chapters 7&8.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

For tomorrow, please dress nicely again, not fancy, but no inappropriate T-shirts or ripped pants.Merci

If you have your sketchbook at home, you will need it tomorrow. 

Thank you parents for your help in the Farewell celebration. 

Monday is the first PAT: French reading comprehension. We will do a practice tomorrow.

Science posters are due tomorrow.

Library is tomorrow and your final class. Bring back all books 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

What a fun field trip to Weasel Head conservation park. The kids learned a lot and it was a perfect day! Thank you to parents who could join us. Your help is always appreciated.

This week in learning:

math: students will be making a game based on what they learned in finance; investments, loans, risks and rewards.

SCI: finishing the poster on their tree. Due this week. Looking at how we manage forests as well. Unit test coming very soon.

ES: finishing our unit on the Federal gov't and how all 3 governments work together. 

FLA: finishing our novel study and practicing our song for the volunteer tea.

ELA: continuing with Shadows of Disaster novel study. We are on chapter 9/14. There will be a test on their comprehension.

Religion: finishing the project on another religion and then they will present their findings.

Thursday is our year end mass at St Luke church @ 10am. Afterwards, students will be having their Farewell luncheon and at 2pm we will have a Farewell program with the parents arriving by 1h45.

Friday is the volunteer tea for all parents who volunteered. See you at 1h45.