Interested in the Science Fair? ...check out these websites to help you out home page
IDEAS home page
A huge thank you to all the parents and students who helped out with the bake sale. I don’t have the final tally yet, but am grateful for everyone from the planning to selling and clean up. I never had to worry about a thing because of you! Merci!
Also, much appreciation to all the parents and students for coming to the interviews. When we are all on the same page, great things happen.
This week in learning:
Math: we begin fractions and how they tie in with decimals.
ELA: continue with Greek god research and how to properly cite material.
FLA : working on comic strips based on a easy French book. Using the proper vocabulary.
Science: looking at the phases of the moon…are you still looking? Also seasons…the why and how. Science fair information will be forthcoming. Start thinking about your involvement and projects. Mme has a lot of books for inspiration.
ES: we continue with Ancient Greece and the foundations of our democracy. You may begin your pamphlets.
Music: finishing the research portion and will present soon.
Art: Vermeer due this week Thursday as is sketchbook; formes.
Lockdown tomorrow a.m.
This week in Learning:
Félicitations à Eli qui a gagné le concours de musique avec sa chanson choisi : Où té té. Ecoutez la ici
MATH: Quiz on decimals this Thursday. Students should have all they need to study.
ES: we began Ancient Greece today and how we borrowed ideas from them for our democracy.
SCI: we continue with the space...rotation vs revolution
FLA: I will take a break from GB+ reading comprehension after today and work on comic strips. Students should put into practice everyhting we have done in grammar to show me they can take their time in writing and using the rules of grammar. Book reports were due today. If you did not hand it in, do so now.
ELA: after our 7 sacred teachings, we will work on a research project using good websites and putting information into our own words to make a poster on a greek god or goddess. All will be chosen haphazardly.
Religion: mass booklets were due today. If you did not hand it in, do so now. Next we will finish our unit on Empathy
Music: research portion of the project will be due soon so we can then present to the class, who chose which song and the meaning behind the lyrics.
With this being anti-bullying week, here is a website for random acts of kindness to have a look at. What are you doing to make the world a better place?
Mme Amy is having an online bookfair during the following dates: November 15-29, 2023.
Here is the link to online site to order your books.
This week in Learning:
Monday : *Earth Rangers presentation @ 1pm
*bring in signed Science tests
MATH: continue practicing multiplication fo decimals. The old math text is on GC and there are several questions in Module 3 lesson 3 and 4. Next up, division of decimals.
SCI: we finish the presentations of the crime scenes. Next unit: astronomy
ES: we finished chapter 2. Test on Thursday Nov 16th
FLA: we continue with reading comprehension, although we are helping the grade 3 students with their letter to Santa next week. I have begun to evaluate the students on their level. They should reach 30 by the end of Grade 6.
ELA: we will begin a new unit...TBA
RELIGION: Students are working on a mass booklet
Music: we will finish our competition and students will then finish their research portion of the project.
TUESDAY: library
November 20: French book report due
Next week is anti-bullying week AND Metis week
Activities will be centered on these two important thems.
Students have been reading a novel of their choice since September and now is the time to show me the elements of a story as we learned in FLA. This book report is due November 20th. How they present this is also their choice.
Learning this week
Math: positive/negative integers test went home for signatures Friday. continuing with decimals. How to estimate their products and then actually multiplying them. Keep working on your multiplication tables.
ELA; we will look at indigenous fallen soldiers this week in honour of Remembrance Day.
FLA: continue with reading comprehension. I would like to begin testing students this week.
Sci: present crime scene projects by end of week.
ES: finishing chapter 2. How can citizens make a difference. Test coming soon.
Religion: how does the mass bring us closer to God.
Music: will finish the competition and then students will work on part 2 which is research based.
To Note:
Tuesday picture retakes
Thursday school council meeting
Friday Remembrance Day celebration @10 am, parents invited as always
Order school wear here
Updated information:
Tomorrow: Science test; next week we will finish and present group crime scenes
Santé: we were supposed to have a quiz on how to study, but I neglected to put it on the BLOG or the homework board. We will have it next week on Friday ( I wrote on the homework board Monday but I am feeling generous!).
Religion open book test on Chapter 2 next Tuesday. The presentations were great overall and I saw a lot of learning taking place.
ES: those wishing to upgrade their mark on current events need to come and see me and book another date to present.