Wednesday, September 30, 2020

We have been given the good news that we can return to school on October 1st. Here is a list of assignments that students should have upon return that I will collect:
Math: fiches 3,4,5
ELA: questions from chapter 1-4 and figures of speech from chapter 1-3
SCIENCE: graph of height and shoe size
HEALTH: quiz for those who did it on paper
RELIGION: Venn diagram of Creation stories
FLA: comic strip

It will probably take us a morning to get re-organized and back on track. I hope you have been doing daily assignments so that you are not behind.
Tomorrow is picture day so wear your best mask! 😆

Monday, September 28, 2020


Our daily routine gets posted on GC so that students know what to expect each day. Students should be checking that every morning. No surprises.

This week in Learning:
FLA: we introduce ourselves through an oral presentation. Students should send me their slides beforehand so that I can display for others to see. bullet notes are ok, but please do not read. It is an oral presentation.

ELA: we continue with Chsing Vermeer. Tomorrow we correct chapters 1-3 and by the end of the week we will have finished up up chapter 6 (I am anticipating. If your child is behind in the readings, get caught up please).

MATH: we continue with Factors and move onto order of operations.

SCIENCES: we will continue to look at shoe impressions and then move to tire impressions.

Religion: A huge thanks to the kids for their amazing job on the Opening Liturgy. This week we look to know God through scripture.

ART: onomatopeia continued today and sketchbook expectations (our sketchbooks are waiting for us at school..can't wait!) 

ALSO this week
Tomorrow Terry Fox run 10 am. Please send a toonie when we return to school on the 5th
Wednesday: Orange shirt day (wear orange)

Friday, September 25, 2020


Well! we made it through week one. Again, I want to congratulate the kids for showing up on time for the hourly Zoom. They are impressing me. 
With respect to work done at home, so far we have been doing some self-correcting for math and English but students should be aware that I will be having a look at it/correcting it WHEN we return. 
Parents, when you get the weekly summary from GC, take it with a grain a salt, for the reasons stated above. 

Today there is a quiz in Health on personal safety. 
We have a liturgy at 10am if you wish to join us. Our class in in charge and will be zooming to the whole school. YIKES!
Next Week: 
29th Terry Fox
30th Orange Shirt day. I signed us up to be part of 150 schools to listen to an elder read a story about resdential schools. I haven't heard back, fingers crossed.

Have a great weekend and we will be in touch next week. Stay healthy.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


We made it through day 1...yipee. What most impressed me was the kids showed up hourly on time and promptly. Merci les amis. I hope it was manageable and I believe that the routine will help the students stay on track and be accountable. Some had issues with microphones, but not to worry, one day at a time. If you cannot get your microphones to work by Friday, please email me so that your back up can do your reading for the  Liturgy. 
I am sending the students my schedule so they have an idea of what's coming up. It is never written in stone and can change from day to day.

Go to your Gmail for the ZOOM invitation that will be for our class going forward. It will not change and you can access it anytime if Mme is online. It is also on GC

Meeting ID: 980 6417 9860
Passcode: 6hWEt1

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

This is SO not what I had in mind for today! As you are all well aware, we are in isolation until October 5th. I am sending you a zoom link that your children will access tomorrow morning at 9am for online teaching. We will go through what online looks like in grade 6 and take it easy. I Do not expect  you to be in front of the computer for 5 hours a day, however, we will be following our schedule as though you were here. I will teach for the first 20 minutes or so, assign a task and then will meet you for the next class at the top of the hour. More will be explained tomorrow.
Some parents are still having issues logging onto GC, so I will fix that as soon as possible so that you can see what the expectations are for the day. Stay safe, and I will continue to make your kids feel good about learning. as far as any questions go moving forward in regards to siblings, sports etc, it is best for you contact AHS directly as we do not have the answers. Thanks for your support.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Lundi le 21 septembre: This week in learning:

FLA: we switch with what the other class was doing. So the nouveau 7 will write their  comic strip based on a fairy tale, using the vocabulary learned for la bande dessinée. The other 19 will do a PP (or other technology) and oral presentation, talking about themselves. No notes, just slides and talking in French.

Math: we have done the following so far; reading and writing big numbers in French; problem solving; multiples of numbers. Coming up Factors, Prime and Composite numbers. Check the GC daily for homework.

SCIENCES: forensics continues. The nouveau 7 should make themselves a title page for Preuves et Recherches to keep their notes organized for each unit. Today we looked at height and how shoe size can affect evidence. We also watched a video on how your eyewitness accounts are not very accurate. 

ES: Mme Browne will now be teaching  this subject to both classes and I will be teaching both classes science. 

ELA: we begin a novel study called "Chasing Vermeer". It is a mystery and goes well with our science unit. Students will have time to read in class and then chapters and comprehension questions will be assigned for homework. 

RELIGION: all students should have the following in their scrapbook/journal: prayer, fingerprint and journal reflection questions. The 19 should also have a paragraph about where they know God is present in Creation. Looking for volunteers for readings for the opening liturgy this Friday. Email me.

Music: here is the video to practice ASL of O'Canada.

you will be asked to sign it for your first mark in Music. More info to come. Do not panic...yet!

Parents: great movie to watch on Netflix, with or without your kids: Our Social Dilemma. Very good information about Social media platforms. 


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Have your parents check their emails. I had a glitch in technology especially the "nouveau 7". There are some important links, such as the BLOG and the GC. Also, Nouveau 7 please go to GC and sign up. This is important going forward. Merci

Even though this a long weekend, please remember to keep track of due dates. Coming up next week:

  • quiz Bande dessinée vendredi le 25
  • Bande dessinée due same day, but no more time given in class to complete it.
  • Our opening Liturgy is also Friday Sept 25th. It will be via ZOOM. If you are interested in reading, please email Mme to let her know. With 26 students now, I will not be able to give everyone a role. First come first serve.
Did you watch the news lately... tehy are already talking about  NEXT year's municipal election.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020


This week in learning:
This will probably be a week of recap as our class is changing. I will need to see where the other students are in terms of progress and if they learned the same things we did last week. Review is a good thing. Students should be doing every night.

MATH: continuing with big numbers and problem solving. Students should be practicing reading problems as much as possible to get used to seeing what the question is asking. I will put a link to extras on GC.

FLA: continuing with la bande dessinée. Students should be checking their list to see that they have included all they need. Reading every night is a must, not homework.

ELA: letter to self is due this Wednesday. Students should be emailing it to me and getting me to print it out, put it into an envelope and we will hide it until the end of the year.

SCIENCES: We are working on shoe impressions and what does a policeman see when they look at them.

ES: Tuesday is the international day of democracy. We are looking at rules; why do we have them, where we have them and why are they important to follow.

Religion: prayers are due in journals. Also a paragraph about where in nature you see God. Some students still do not have a personal journal for Religion. Please obtain asap. Merci.

Musique: today we began signing the O Canada. Becasue we cannot sing it we are learning ASL. Practice as much as possible.

ETUDES SOCIALES: on GC I have uploaded the textbook that we will be using this year. 

General: The school will be contacting you with a code/link for a zoom session for parent-teacher conferences. I look forward to speaking with you about your child.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

FLA: plan de conte de fée commencé pour la bande dessinée (ou au moins une idée d'une histoire).

ELA: Letter to myself. Rough copy and edits

Math texte chapter 2 sent to Google Classroom. Here is the link. I only have 4 students so far... (I wish!). Pp 48, 49 # 1,3,4,5,7,8,11

Sign on to Google classroom TONIGHT!

Google Classroom

 Class code     bmb6u4k

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

This week in Learning:
Today we went over a list of other supplies that studenst should bring in. We are keeping it to a bare minimum, but your child should have that list with them tonight and be gathering their materials prepared to learn.

Students should also be checking the BLOG at least twice a week to see if there are any updates or homework assignments. Parents, make your child check, as they need to get ready for Jr High, but I would also like YOU to check and see that your child is on track. 

FLA: la bande dessinée/comics. What are they, how do they differ from other writing , how to make one and pertinent vocabulary which will become a quiz later on. We will also be taking time to speak as much as possible..I have a few games that get students talking as they have been without for a while.

ELA: letter to myself that will be opened at the end of the year. Always fun to see how they've changed and if they learned anything along the way. It is also a good way for me to see their writing skills at the beginning of the year.

MATH: today we had a diagnostic quiz to see what students retained from last year and what do I, as a teacher, need to focus on this year. I do not give the students the results. It is for my purpose only.

Social: we began looking at what democracy is. It is a big subject for grade 6, however, they catch on quickly. As parents, please discuss politics with your child (not your opinions, but what the gov't does as a whole and collectively). There will be a current events component to this class which we look at this week.

SCIENCES: preuves et be discussed tomorrow.

RELIGION: we will work on writing a prayer to be said over the intercom this month. 

Recess is going much better and we will get through this!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Bienvenue a la classe de 6e annee!
We managed to make it through our first day, not without a few hiccups, but we will get there. Most important is the social distancing. Even with a mask, students must be distant from each other as much as possible. There were a few today who had a hard time with that and trying to be close to the other students in the other class and vice versa. Parents, please speak to your children about the rules. Yes they are cumbersome, but they will keep everyone safe. No one wants to be "that" kid who started the sickness in the class and made it spread. 

Students do not return until Tuesday, as the staggered entry continues for the other grades this week. If possible, have students bring in a folder or clipboard that folds so they can put unfinished work in it , in their desks. Routines have all changed even for me. 

Have a wonderful relaxing weekend and we get down to work Tuesday!
Mme Colette