Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Last Day of School:

Students can bring a can of soda for morning snack and one for afternoon snack if they wish. Snacks will all be individual and no sharing allowed. 

We will exchange gifts, do some Christmas crafts and watch a movie. In the afternoon, there is the Liturgy and a reflection for them to write. We will light the 4th Advent candle.

Most students brought their binders home already. Because we will be online after Christmas, they should bring home all necessary tools as well.

I wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday filled with love and blessings. Joyeux Noel et à l'année prochaine!

Monday, December 14, 2020

This week in learning:

FLA: we continue in Hockey Lecture. Students are doing well in increasing their vocabulary and comprehension.

ELA: we are doing Reader's Theater. Students will begin today getting comfortable with voices and characters.

MATH: today we began dividing decimals.

RELIGION: last day to work on Advent magazine today.

SCIENCES: finishing with the moon phases, quiz Thursday. Moving onto planets after that.

Tuesday is Ugly Christmas sweater and/or Christmas mask your spirit.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

 A few important messages:

  • We will be doing a "white elephant" gift exchange on our last day of school. If students want to participate, we agreed on 15$ to buy a neutral gift. We will draw #'s to see who gets to choose first and students will end up with a gift at the end. This is optional and just for fun. Students are supposed to discuss with you before agreeing to participate. Gifts will be due Monday, so we are not scrambling at the last minute.
  • Tuesday is our theme day
  • We have 7 completed socks for the streets to date.
  • Saturday is Mission Mexico day. Students are being asked to consider giving a toonie to this worthy charity either Friday or Monday.
  • Wednesday is our vaccine day. Students can wear pj's that day. We went through a presentation on it today...they had a million questions...hopefully they were answered (I'm a teacher, not a nurse).
Due tomorrow: ELA story, Math homework and ELA quiz signed

 We have made Tuesday the 15th our Theme day for 2 reasons:

  1. the 16th, the grade 6ers have their vaccines (can't wear a sweater)
  2. Thursday is the liturgy
The theme is Ugly Christmas sweater and /or Christmas mask (kids can also decorate a disposable one so they don't need to buy a Christmas one).

Thanks everyone for participating and for helping the needy by getting socks together.

Monday, December 7, 2020

This week in Learning:

MATH: multiplying decimals with a whole number

FLA: Hockey Lecture is going well...keep reading to improve vocabulary

ELA: good copy of Story prompt (we're moving) due Wednesday FRIDAY but no more time on class

SCIENCE: continue de regarder la lune, images 2,3,4,5,6,7 des mots de vocabulaire dans sketchbook

RELIGION: still working on Advent magazines. It is necessary to have at least ONE article and one Bible passage. When I read your section, I should know what you learned in that section.

Blogger forms need to be signed before continuing on in CTF. Parents check your emails.

From Mme Covey: It is winter and students need to dress appropriately for Phys Ed and recess. If students feel like it is too warm for a winter jacket, bring a smaller/lighter one. Gloves are mandatory for handling equipment and adds an extra layer of protection between classes. Merci


Thank you everyone for supporting our virtual book fair!  We sold a total of 231 books.  The funds raised from this book fair will be used to continue to grow our French collection as well as bring in some diversity and indigenous titles.  Thank you again for your support in these challenging times. 

Mme Amanda

Learning common Librarian

 SOCIAL justice campaign:

Social Justice  Christmas campaign:

Student Council is launching a very short but worthwhile campaign to give to the less fortunate.  The campaign is to help provide warm socks and other necessities to our city's less fortunate.   We are asking St. Luke families who wish to participate to purchase a pair of warm socks items to fill them with some of the items listed below.  These little gifts of kindness will go to the Drop-in Center to help make someone else's Christmas  a little brighter. Participation is optional. Here is a list of items that you can put inside:


  • Underwear (new)
  • Razors
  • Tylenol/Advil
  • Throat Lozenges
  • Lysol Wipes
  • $5 Tim Horton’s/Macdonald's gift cards
  • Bus tickets
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Kleenex packs small
  • Lip balm individual
  • Notebooks & pens


Cash, toques and gloves will also be accepted, but please do not place in the socks.  The due date will be December 16th.


Thank you for your generosity,

St. Luke Student Council


What's due next week...

Monday: quiz prefixes and suffixes

                               Star gazer/jauge d'etoile

                                Paragraph on how the earth rotates and                         revolves

Tuesday: quiz on how to study based on notes                        given in class.

Monday, November 30, 2020

This week in Learning:

Math: decimals and the names and values of their positions. 

SCIENCES: rotation vs revolution and what they cause, how long they last and how they work. Calendar of the moon observations due December 17th.

FLA: we will go into Hockey Lecture. A reading comprehension game of sorts. Teams play against each other and teams are comprised of all levels of reading abilities. For the students that I have tested for reading comprehension thus far, they have all  advanced to grade 6 level. Keep it up.

ELA: as a fun activity for December, we will move onto Readers Theater. 

RELIGION: Advent begins

HEALTH: we learned some studying techniques today and there will be a quiz on this next Day 1, Tuesday Dec 7th.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Thursday, November 26, 2020


MATH: test today on module 1 and then we go into decimal numbers. Students typically tend to struggle with these, so will try to take it slow. For now if they practice what a decimal looks like and the place values in French, that is a start.

FLA: we finished the practice opinion letter.It should be in the panier. We are continuing on GB+, reading comprehension so I can finish testing student levels and get them to grade 6 level.

ELA: we are working on suffixes today and prefixes tomorrow.

SCIENCE: we have begun our unit on astronomie and will look at the stars to begin with. Students have been given a month long assignment on looking at the moon. They need to track it every 3 days and draw it on a chart. Also, I highly recommend that they go to the NASA website to learn and be curious about the night sky.


We need to skip chapter 3 because we are behind and we need to move onto Advent which starts this weekend. Students will be asked to learn about Mary, Joseph and Jesus and as a class we will put together a magazine.

From Mme Amanda:

Thank you to those families that have already purchased items from our Virtual Scholastic Book Fair!  If you have not had a chance it is not too late.  Our book fair will remain open until Sunday November 29th so you still have a few days to shop.  Scholastic credits from our book fair allow us to grow and build new collections within our library and school.  Please feel free to share our link with family and friends who may still have Christmas shopping to do.  Remember, there is free shipping on orders above $35.00 and all orders are shipped directly from the warehouse to your home.  Thank you to all our families for your support in the past and present!  Here is our school link:


Monday, November 23, 2020

This week in Learning:

FLA: opinion letters: practice and then one for marking. Students need to know what the format is and how to adhere to it. Notes have been given in class. Practice letter is about allowance should be given to kids.

MATH: module 1 TEST this Thursday. Every night should be review and looking over the book/notes.

ELA: we move away from Vermeer and onto some grammar and writing skills.

SCIENCES: today we finished the crime scenes...very creative overall. Our next unit is astronomy...start looking at the skies.

HEALTH: we took a break from study skills to look at anti-bullying and the rights of the child, so now we will get back to study skills.

ART: Vermeer interieur room due Dec 1st.

           Sketchbooks due this Wednesday on Shape.

Music: we are having our competition and so far I am really impressed with the choice of songs chosen by kids. After the competition, the students will present their artist and song on the intercom for the music program.


Thursday: character day and Pizza Day. Dress as y our favorite character (book, movie, tv show)


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Tomorrow is the last day that I will accept overdue assignments on Chasing Vermeer. We need to move on.

Here is our activity on the Giving Tree. Have your children re-tell the story to you. 

It was also Odd Socks day and here some of our oddities

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


This week in learning:


ODD socks day. we watched a video today about how we are all the same yet different. Where odd socks to show that you are different...celebrate your uniqueness.

We also watched a video on cyber safety and I read a true story about online safety. It did not have a good ending, but I want students to know that they are not invincible. We will talk more about online safety. 

Math lesson 7. pp 35 # 1,3,4,5

FLA: lettre cher soldat

SCIENCES: we present crime scenes tomorrow...everyone should be ready

Etudes Sociales: only 2 students handed in their assignments today. Mme Brown and I have spoken and we have decided that students who don't do their homework, will get further behind as we will continue to move forward. 

Friday, November 13, 2020

 FLA to finish: à traduire en français dans le Sketchbook

Also need to finish your letter to a soldier for November 20th

Musique Lyrics need to be sent to me in a Google doc for next Wednesday.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Upcoming Due dates


Science retest 

Google meets for Champions/ by grade 6 liaisons


math pp 31 # 1,2,3

 Chasing Vermeer Novel study due

Forensic ART due

Monday, November 9, 2020


This week in Learning:

Math: plotting coordinates on a before you jump.

FLA: Our next learning activity will be writing opinion letters, following a certain format.

ELA: Vermeer novel study due this Friday. Includes news article on the stolen painting and how it was returned.

SCIENCES: tests need to be signed and returned. Retest will be this Thursday. Crime scene projects will be presented starting next week. 

Religion: Chapter 2 teaching sections will begin this Friday...How does [your section] bring us closer to God.

WEDNESDAY is a day off, as are next Monday and Tuesday. If you plan on being away, you are still responsible for material missed. 

Here is the link to the Virtual Scholastic Book Fair for students and parents to peruse. This is just a sneak peek

Friday, November 6, 2020

 Democracy in Action: Voting for student council 2020


A huge congratulations to all of the candidates for their speeches and their willingness to step up and try to make St Luke a better school. We had some awesome ideas and no matter whether the students won or not, those ideas will hopefully be realized. Here are the candidates:

Here is your grade 6 council for 2020-2021:

Owen, Shane, Carina, Luke and Grace:

Science unit tests are going home today to be signed. This is the first major test that students received from me and the results may not be what students (or parents) expected. There will be a retest next week for those with 60% and less. Same material, different test.

The following students DID not do their anti-bullying blurb on FLIPGRID:
Noah, Abby, Zoey, Zixu, Morife
by Monday or you will stay at recess to do it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


This week in Learning:

MATH: continuing with algebra; some kids get "it", others are struggling. Maybe review every night with examples from the book.

ELA: news article writing

FLA: verbes en IR. We will conclude the  speeches tomorrow for democracy and elections.

SCIENCE: test tomorrow

Religion: knowing God through the church. Journals/scrapbooks being picked up today.

Music: song choice by Friday for the Francophone competition. I only have 13 so far.

ART: forensic art due this Friday. Next up, one point perspective.

Picture retakes. Old pics must be brought in as far as I know.
Students are getting low on supplies, including loose leaf paper, expo markers  glue, and scissors

Snacks and lunches after Halloween: I do not mind if kids are bringing junk halloween food but it needs to balanced with wholesome food. Too much sugar = a dead brain. thanks for your help with this.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

 SHORT WEEK Oct 26-28

this week in learning:

FLA: working in GB+ on reading comprehension. Speeches for democracy are tomorrow and for candidates Wednesday.

ELA: finishing the book Chasing Vermeer and reading comprehension questions. Then we will work on news articles. Start gathering information from the book to write an article on the Lady stolen.

MATH: going into algebra with our machines. The entry number will become a letter which is the beginning of unknowns/variables.

SCIENCE: test on forensic unit next Wednesday. We will review this week.

Religion: Faith and prayer pp32

ART: Sketchbooks on "line" due Wednesday

Friday, October 23, 2020


Just like we have indoor and outdoor footwear, we are asking that students have indoor and outdoor masks. With the colder weather, masks get damp quickly and lose their effectiveness when so. Students all have a hook on the side of their desks to hang their masks for the morning or afternoon to dry them out. Thank you for your cooperation.

ELA: quiz figures of speech
       Tuesday Oct 27
FLA: discours democratie et candidat 
        mercredi le 28 oct.
SCI: test d'unité Preuves et Recherches
            le 6 novembre
Wednesday the 28 wear ORANGE and/or BLACK
No school october 29 and 30th. Happy halloween, stay safe.

Monday, October 19, 2020

 Week of October 19 Learning:

Math: we had our unit test today. Results to come. Next up is patterns, algebra and keeping equation equal.

SCIENCES: today we looked at chromotography. Have your children do the experiment at home.

ELA: continuing with Vermeer and a little more work on figures of Speech.

FLA: GB+ books have been assinged to the students based on their grade 4 results or a higher level to challenge them. They will work on these books, vocabulary and comprehension, with the goal of moving up to level 30, which is end of grade 6.

We are also working on speeches for elections or democracy.

Religion: a short celebration today for St Luke feast day (yesterday).

This week we will finish knowing God through Faith.

Musique: try to complete your filming for Flipgrid and send it to your learning buddies. I will begin evaluations next class. Also take the time to begin looking for a song for our project competition.

ART: sketchbooks are due October 28th


  • pictures can be purchased through the school, send a cheque or online.
  • this is anti-bullying awareness week, so we will spend a little more time doing Santé and leaning the don'ts of bullying

Thursday, October 15, 2020

 Etudes Sociales test demain intro et chapitre 1

I spoke today to students about their job as students to get work done and handed in on time. I will give extensions to a certain point, and send notes to parents asking for late assignments. However after some time I need to move on. In that case, any work not handed in, will result in a note home, saying your child did not hand something in and they will receive a NM (no mark). This is to let you know that your child is not doing their assignments, even with prodding and reminders. If you have any questions about this, we can speak of it during the next virtual interviews. 

MONDAY test de Math

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


It is getting too confusing with all the posts on FG for O Canada, so I have sent a new link for part 3. If you have done it already, sorry, do it again please and be clear and concise for the littles. Merci

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

 Good morning of a short week.

This week:

Math: finish module 2 on numbers, review for test next Monday. Study now

ELA: continue Vermeer, reading and comprehension questions. Chpaters 13-16 by Thursday plus vocabulary.

MUSIC: film yourselves up to "Stand on guard", just before "God keep our land"

FLA: GB+ comprehension practice and testing to see what level the students are at. This has not been done since grade 4 due to closing the school last year. 

Also working on their speeches, candidates or democracy.

SCIENCE: finishing fingerprinting and moving onto tissue samples.

Religion: We know God through Faith

The apostle's creed

Friday, October 9, 2020

Happy Friday. I pray that you sepnd some quality time relaxing and being with family this long weekend. 
Coming up:
Math test Module 2 Monday October 19. We will be spending next week reviewing but students should already be doing so.
If you still have forms kicking around at home that need to be brought in, please do so. This includes: demographic, internet use, FOIP and FlipGrid.
Due to internet issues this week, students should be filming on FG the next 2 lines ASL of O'Canada at home. Once approved, they will send it to their Learning buddies in grade 3.
QUIZ on la Bande Dessinée that we should have had ages ago is on Tuesday the 13th.


Monday, October 5, 2020

 Happy Monday:

With some students out on a weekly basis, I will do my best to update to GC with the assignments needed to be done. If I have not sent something, send me a message so I don't forget. It will be an end of day thing as I need to attend to the inclass first. Thanks for understanding.

This week in Learning:

Math: we are going to take a pause with lessons, because students are not taking their time with the sheets they hand in. Book questions are done on an honor system (you do the questions assigned and then we correct as a class and you correct on your own) and then the Fiche you hand in to me showing that you understand. What I am getting is: kids skipping numbers, not showing their work and not really giving me their best efforts. When I write "R" it means they have to redo the sheet with more care and to ask questions for better understanding. They will then return the sheet to me for a mark. If it is not redone, it becomes an NY as they did not understand it in the first place and made no attempt to see me for understanding the lesson.

ELA: we have completed reading and questions up to chapter 8. If you missed corrections of those questions, see me for the answers. 

FLA: I picked up la Bande dessinée today, several missing even after all the extended time given. We will finish oral presentations this week.

Sciences: We looked at tire treads in the parking lot. This week we will look at animal prints and fingerprints.

RELIGION: students are learning what sacred stories are and how to find other stories, such as historical and songs in the bible.

ART: Onomatopeia is due by this Friday. Nouveau 7 does not include you.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

 October first

Good to be back in the classroom. We were welcomed with smiles and appreciation for what we went through. Again thanks for your cooperation.

I have been giving the kids lists of homework assignments that they owe me from before and during online schooling. I would like these all in by Monday so we can start anew.

We had pictures taken group shots...hopefully some day. It would be fun to see the difference between grade 1 and 6...just for fun.

Demographics forms, FOIP and internet use forms are a must for items to be returned. The office needs them asap. thanks. I also need the Flipgrid permission slips.

The kids ran Terry Fox today with Mme Covey. Please send a toonie for Terry if you are able to donate.  merci

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

We have been given the good news that we can return to school on October 1st. Here is a list of assignments that students should have upon return that I will collect:
Math: fiches 3,4,5
ELA: questions from chapter 1-4 and figures of speech from chapter 1-3
SCIENCE: graph of height and shoe size
HEALTH: quiz for those who did it on paper
RELIGION: Venn diagram of Creation stories
FLA: comic strip

It will probably take us a morning to get re-organized and back on track. I hope you have been doing daily assignments so that you are not behind.
Tomorrow is picture day so wear your best mask! 😆

Monday, September 28, 2020


Our daily routine gets posted on GC so that students know what to expect each day. Students should be checking that every morning. No surprises.

This week in Learning:
FLA: we introduce ourselves through an oral presentation. Students should send me their slides beforehand so that I can display for others to see. bullet notes are ok, but please do not read. It is an oral presentation.

ELA: we continue with Chsing Vermeer. Tomorrow we correct chapters 1-3 and by the end of the week we will have finished up up chapter 6 (I am anticipating. If your child is behind in the readings, get caught up please).

MATH: we continue with Factors and move onto order of operations.

SCIENCES: we will continue to look at shoe impressions and then move to tire impressions.

Religion: A huge thanks to the kids for their amazing job on the Opening Liturgy. This week we look to know God through scripture.

ART: onomatopeia continued today and sketchbook expectations (our sketchbooks are waiting for us at school..can't wait!) 

ALSO this week
Tomorrow Terry Fox run 10 am. Please send a toonie when we return to school on the 5th
Wednesday: Orange shirt day (wear orange)

Friday, September 25, 2020


Well! we made it through week one. Again, I want to congratulate the kids for showing up on time for the hourly Zoom. They are impressing me. 
With respect to work done at home, so far we have been doing some self-correcting for math and English but students should be aware that I will be having a look at it/correcting it WHEN we return. 
Parents, when you get the weekly summary from GC, take it with a grain a salt, for the reasons stated above. 

Today there is a quiz in Health on personal safety. 
We have a liturgy at 10am if you wish to join us. Our class in in charge and will be zooming to the whole school. YIKES!
Next Week: 
29th Terry Fox
30th Orange Shirt day. I signed us up to be part of 150 schools to listen to an elder read a story about resdential schools. I haven't heard back, fingers crossed.

Have a great weekend and we will be in touch next week. Stay healthy.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


We made it through day 1...yipee. What most impressed me was the kids showed up hourly on time and promptly. Merci les amis. I hope it was manageable and I believe that the routine will help the students stay on track and be accountable. Some had issues with microphones, but not to worry, one day at a time. If you cannot get your microphones to work by Friday, please email me so that your back up can do your reading for the  Liturgy. 
I am sending the students my schedule so they have an idea of what's coming up. It is never written in stone and can change from day to day.

Go to your Gmail for the ZOOM invitation that will be for our class going forward. It will not change and you can access it anytime if Mme is online. It is also on GC

Meeting ID: 980 6417 9860
Passcode: 6hWEt1

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

This is SO not what I had in mind for today! As you are all well aware, we are in isolation until October 5th. I am sending you a zoom link that your children will access tomorrow morning at 9am for online teaching. We will go through what online looks like in grade 6 and take it easy. I Do not expect  you to be in front of the computer for 5 hours a day, however, we will be following our schedule as though you were here. I will teach for the first 20 minutes or so, assign a task and then will meet you for the next class at the top of the hour. More will be explained tomorrow.
Some parents are still having issues logging onto GC, so I will fix that as soon as possible so that you can see what the expectations are for the day. Stay safe, and I will continue to make your kids feel good about learning. as far as any questions go moving forward in regards to siblings, sports etc, it is best for you contact AHS directly as we do not have the answers. Thanks for your support.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Lundi le 21 septembre: This week in learning:

FLA: we switch with what the other class was doing. So the nouveau 7 will write their  comic strip based on a fairy tale, using the vocabulary learned for la bande dessinée. The other 19 will do a PP (or other technology) and oral presentation, talking about themselves. No notes, just slides and talking in French.

Math: we have done the following so far; reading and writing big numbers in French; problem solving; multiples of numbers. Coming up Factors, Prime and Composite numbers. Check the GC daily for homework.

SCIENCES: forensics continues. The nouveau 7 should make themselves a title page for Preuves et Recherches to keep their notes organized for each unit. Today we looked at height and how shoe size can affect evidence. We also watched a video on how your eyewitness accounts are not very accurate. 

ES: Mme Browne will now be teaching  this subject to both classes and I will be teaching both classes science. 

ELA: we begin a novel study called "Chasing Vermeer". It is a mystery and goes well with our science unit. Students will have time to read in class and then chapters and comprehension questions will be assigned for homework. 

RELIGION: all students should have the following in their scrapbook/journal: prayer, fingerprint and journal reflection questions. The 19 should also have a paragraph about where they know God is present in Creation. Looking for volunteers for readings for the opening liturgy this Friday. Email me.

Music: here is the video to practice ASL of O'Canada.

you will be asked to sign it for your first mark in Music. More info to come. Do not panic...yet!

Parents: great movie to watch on Netflix, with or without your kids: Our Social Dilemma. Very good information about Social media platforms. 


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Have your parents check their emails. I had a glitch in technology especially the "nouveau 7". There are some important links, such as the BLOG and the GC. Also, Nouveau 7 please go to GC and sign up. This is important going forward. Merci

Even though this a long weekend, please remember to keep track of due dates. Coming up next week:

  • quiz Bande dessinée vendredi le 25
  • Bande dessinée due same day, but no more time given in class to complete it.
  • Our opening Liturgy is also Friday Sept 25th. It will be via ZOOM. If you are interested in reading, please email Mme to let her know. With 26 students now, I will not be able to give everyone a role. First come first serve.
Did you watch the news lately... tehy are already talking about  NEXT year's municipal election.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020


This week in learning:
This will probably be a week of recap as our class is changing. I will need to see where the other students are in terms of progress and if they learned the same things we did last week. Review is a good thing. Students should be doing every night.

MATH: continuing with big numbers and problem solving. Students should be practicing reading problems as much as possible to get used to seeing what the question is asking. I will put a link to extras on GC.

FLA: continuing with la bande dessinée. Students should be checking their list to see that they have included all they need. Reading every night is a must, not homework.

ELA: letter to self is due this Wednesday. Students should be emailing it to me and getting me to print it out, put it into an envelope and we will hide it until the end of the year.

SCIENCES: We are working on shoe impressions and what does a policeman see when they look at them.

ES: Tuesday is the international day of democracy. We are looking at rules; why do we have them, where we have them and why are they important to follow.

Religion: prayers are due in journals. Also a paragraph about where in nature you see God. Some students still do not have a personal journal for Religion. Please obtain asap. Merci.

Musique: today we began signing the O Canada. Becasue we cannot sing it we are learning ASL. Practice as much as possible.

ETUDES SOCIALES: on GC I have uploaded the textbook that we will be using this year. 

General: The school will be contacting you with a code/link for a zoom session for parent-teacher conferences. I look forward to speaking with you about your child.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

FLA: plan de conte de fée commencé pour la bande dessinée (ou au moins une idée d'une histoire).

ELA: Letter to myself. Rough copy and edits

Math texte chapter 2 sent to Google Classroom. Here is the link. I only have 4 students so far... (I wish!). Pp 48, 49 # 1,3,4,5,7,8,11

Sign on to Google classroom TONIGHT!

Google Classroom

 Class code     bmb6u4k