Monday, February 27, 2017

I totally missed the boat on last week's BLOG as I started the week with 2 morning dentist appointments and I continued the week sounding like Batman  (the kids didn't know who Barry White was, so they called me Batman!) ...I am almost back to normal.

Thanks to Shannon, Maureen and Gabrielle for their volunteering last Friday for the Iroquois confederacy. I think it was well done and the students enjoyed themselves.

This week: It will be a bit of a juggling act, with Carnaval and all the other extras happening but we will try to make some sense of it.

Math: angles test sometime this week...probably Wednesday (was supposed to be last week, so we have been putting it off). Today we started talking %, ratios and fractions.

E.S.: looking still at local government. Students should know which riding they are in and who represents them.

FR: we finished the movie Belle et Sebastien and the students said it was good! YEAH! We will have a comprehension quiz sometime this week. In the meantime, we are writing letters about ourselves that will go all over Canada, hoping that some other french immersion school will respond. We were invited by a school in Halifax. Should be fun.

ELA: working on prefixes and suffixes, and will start doing some narrative writing soon.

Science: started air and aerodynamics. First experiment worked, the second failed! We are looking at the properties of air and how they will help a plane fly in the end.

Religion: Trying to present their social justice projects...but too many disruptions...this week hopefully! fingers crossed.

Music: I was rather disappointed that not ALL students emailed me their project over the weekend so that I could mark them and finish report cards. Deadlines need to be taken seriously, as I also have dealines to complete my work. We worked on this project for over 1 month and there should have been no excuses.

Students in charge of the Carnaval Stations. Please wear a checkered shirt and jeans to help in the celebrations. I believe they are looking forward to being in charge!

Monday, February 13, 2017

I sound like Barry White today so it's a good thing you are reading this and not having to hear my voice!

A short week this week!
Francais: We are starting a new unit on a film study. It will help the students listen to other French speakers and get to know
different accents and story lines. This week we will work on pre-viewing activities. Homophone quiz tomorrow.

ELA: just finished marking the poetry booklets...funny thing...they all started on a high and as we got further along, they seemed less interested, less of an effort! I found it humourous. Good job overall if they included every poem necessary. Now we are concentrating on prefixes, suffixes and some other grammar demons!

Sciences: Finishing presentations on their planet research and beginning our next unit on Air and Aerodynamics.

Math: we will finish the unit on angles this week and expect a test next week...mid to end of week. Some students are still struggling with their multiplications...get those down pat!

Etudes Sociales: Starting a new chapter on our Local government...what they are responsible for and how it works. The next wave of Current Events will focus on politics ONLY. They can be municipal, provincial or federal politics...not international please. We will start these in March.

Religion: quiz tomorrow on 10 commandments and the UN rights of the child. Next up: the Beatitudes.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Report cards are around the corner and there is a lot to get finished so that I can get the marks all together. Report cards go home March 10th.

This week:
Francais: we have our FINALS for our reading comprehension contest between "Les Eclairs" and "Les Canadiens". I believe that this competition has helped the students read more accurately for comprehension. There will be a quiz on homophones this week.

Science: students are finishing their planet projects and will be presenting in class. We will also begin our next unit: Air and aerodynamics.

ELA: Poetry books due this week and then students will be asked to memorize a poem and present in class for the oral portion of their mark.

Etudes Sociales: Test on the Iroquois confederacy on Friday the 10th. Our next unit will be our local government. In that regard, ALL current events MUST be based on government issues hereafter. 

Math: Working on angles. A short unit so expect a test maybe end of next week. By the way, some students still do not have a protractor!!

Music: presentations begin this week. See previous BLOG for schedule.

Friday, February 3, 2017

We have been working on a music research project with a performance-based presentation to go with it. Here are the scheduled dates and who is presenting which dates. Students had the choice to present in person or on video.

Feb 7th:  Catherine
Feb 9th:   Leala
                Ava & Grace
                Ian, Camilo and Gianluca
Feb 15th:  Jakob
                 Julien and Jack
                 Summer and Eve
FEb 22nd:  Thomas, Jonel & Julien N
                    Allie and Natalie

Creative poem

Students have the option of one of the following:
1.  Free Verse
No rhyming, using figures of speech taught earlier this year, concentrating on imagery.
2. Shape poem
Using an object, write a poem about it, incorporating the object in the poem.
Image result for shape poemImage result for shape poem for kids

Completed POETRY books are due February 8th and as we have all been on top of our homework, it should just be a matter of putting the book together.