Monday, May 30, 2016

I am a proud teacher of this grade 1 class! What great performances they did for the volunteer tea, the school population AND the other parents. Way to go. And a special thanks to Mme Hader for her teaching us the beat, the dance, the song and the fun!

This week in learning:
Français: evaluations in reading, writing and comprehension.
Social Studies: The things will change
Math: continuing + and - and problem solving.
Science: Summer season changes. 
ALSO ...   Please have your child choose an animal to research by Friday.
Health: making friends
Religion: Jesus in my life

Temperature calendars are due Wednesday June 1st. Please return to school.

There are MANY parents who have offered to volunteer for Friday's field trip. Once I have all of the forms, I will choose only 3 parents to come along. Priority will be given to parents who have not yet had the chance to volunteer. HOWEVER, if you have your own Heritage Park pass (or you want to pay your own way) and you wish to come along, you may drive yourselves there and join us inside. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Montre et racontre this week:
Grace, Israel, Valentina et Yechan

Last Scholastic orders for the year. Please return your orders by June 6th. Merci

This week in learning:
Français: les animaux vocabulary and still learning how to write sentences. READ READ READ

ES: After having looked at the past and present, we will make a quilt about our ideas for the future.

Science: Les animaux, parts and needs.

Health: How to be a good friend;  qualities and examples

Math: working on doubles additions (1+1 up to 10 +10) doing them fast and accurately.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

I would just like to clarify why some students are bringing home homework. I give students a lot of time to finish projects or assignments during the week. At the end of the week, they have a "catch up" day to finish their assignements. ONLY after having 2 full weeks of time to finish, do I send them home to be completed. Please ensure that the work is returned to school, as it often counts in evaluation, especially formative evaluation. If your child is constantly having to bring home assignments, a discussion about using class time wisely may be in order. Maybe your child is talking too much, daydreaming too much or not asking enough questions to get the job done. In any event, please keep an eye on this from now until June. MERCI
Un, deux, trois heures, quatre heures rock;
Cinq, six, sept heures, huit heures rock;
Neuf, dix, onze heures, douze heures rock;
Nous allons rock autour d’horloge ce soir…

Put your glad rags on and join me hon’
We’ll have some fun when the clock strikes one

R :Nous allons rock autour d’horloge ce soir;
Nous allons rock, rock, rock jusqu’au grand soir;
Nous allons rock, allons rock
Autour d’horloge ce soir.


Repeat verse: "put your glad rags on..."

Tuesday, May 17, 2016 

Here is the song that we will be working on for the volunteer tea, if you want to play it for your kids every once in a while. We will be changing some of the lyrics to french, but they can practice the beat.

Monday, May 16, 2016

We are having a music workshop this week to prepare for the parent volunteer tea.  Please be aware that not ALL students will use the djembes. Some will sing and some will dance. We will make it as fair as possible. Thank you for your understanding.

Scholastic orders will be due this Thursday if you would like to order something. You can also go directly online to view the flyers, especially the French flyers. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

This week in learning:

Francais:  Reading comprehension and continuing to work on sounds. Next week animal vocabulary.

E.S.: passe, courtepointe, why it is important to know our past.

Sciences: The parts of a plant we eat. Just finishing spring and will start summer and animals next week.

Math: Geometry...students should know the following and objects that ressemble them:  sphère, prisme rectangulaire, cube, pyramide, cône et cylindre.

Religion: I only have two volunteers so far to walk to the church next Tuesday. Please email me if you are able to come AND you have done the volunteer course with the school.
Ascension and Pentacost.

ELA: Integrated with Social studies on the past. Upcoming quiz on short "o" words.

Montre et racontre this week:
Zoey, Feranmi, Philo, Ruhaan, and Akin.

Here is my little rant and nag for the month of MAY...
I am finding that parents are not signing agendas on a regular basis lately...let's blame both parents and students on this one and get back on track. To that same end, French reading programs are not being done every night. I have started to evaluate the students and some of them are still not getting their basic sounds: 
oi   au   in   an   eau  ch    eu  etc...  and the words they make. 
Also, some students still do not have dry erase markers and are frustrated when the ones I have purchased no longer work. Get together with another family and buy a set.
Lastly, you need to phone the school if your child will be absent for appointments, or illness or vacations. this way they pu it into the system and I am not guessing where your child is. the good news...Your children are speaking French! when working on assignments, in groups, at their desks...all I hear (for the most part) is to my ears. You should be proud too! Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Yesterday, the students brought home a calendar to record the weather for the month of May, in order to coincide with our Science and what happens in the spring. Every day after school and on the weekends, they are to mark what the weather was like. It is to be returned to school on June 1st. Thank you for your help with this.

I am also happy that several students planted their seeds/plants. If you would like to send a photo of the progress, please email it to me and I will post them on the Blog.

Also sent home yesterday, was a field trip form. We will be having a "behind the scenes" look at the church with Dan D'Agostino, as part of our Religion curriculum. We will be walking to the church and if you would like to volunteer, please email me and I will get back to you. It is for the morning of May 17th.

Monday, May 2, 2016

A reminder that the auditions for lip-sync contest is tomorrow during the lunch period. If your child is interested in participating, they must have their music ready to perform. They may do a solo or with any other student/students in grade one.

This week "montre et raconte":  Curtis, Anna, Shanya et Nevaeh.